26 Mar 2015



Contact: 971 50 4520649 (Raj)  Mail: raj@sanisoft-it.com

1.1 Item Creation
The various items maintained in the business transactions are classified into different categories.  Further, the items can be categorized into Raw Material, Finished and Service type. Multiple Colors and sizes can be mapped with one item and system can generate purchase, sales & inventory reports on item, Color & size bases separately. To make safe user from operating overheads color and size are optional in SME and these will be available in transactions only if user select those for item. As mentioned above that system supports Multi-Unit transactions so multiple units can be defined for one item. SME has provision to use Item in any transaction in any unit. While defining item in system, purchase and sale account is also mentioned to record accounts affects in finance module of all item’s relevant transactions.

1.2 Customers & Vendors
SME has option to create vendor and customer masters with some mandatory and optional parameters. Vendors and Customers can be categorized in system to have isolated view of general and analysis reports.  These vendors and customers are also mapped with their financial accounts so that all their transactions will have automatic accounts entry in accounting books to maintain their ledgers and to compile Accounts Payable and Receivables reports. SME also makes possible to maintain Customer and Vendor wise Item pricing and these prices are automatically available in all Customers and Vendors relevant transactions but still that price is in editable state. Customer & Vendor wise pricing is a valuable analytical equipment to maintain item wise price log of each Vendor and Customer for price comparisons.

1.3 Purchase Requisition
The items requested by various departments are raised against requisition for purchasing the items.  The requisition is forwarded to the purchase department to raise RFQ or purchase order after approval.  The finished goods requisition is raised by the marketing department and passed to the Planning and production control department.  The raw material requisition is raised from the production department for the purchase of raw materials.                       

1.4 RFQ
RFQ is raised to the Supplier for getting price quotation.  The RFQ is based on the customer Enquiry for trading and requisition for internal purchase.  The RFQ can also be raised directly.  The item information can be retrieved automatically from enquiry or requisition.

1.5 Purchase Quotation
The Purchase quotation is entered while getting the actual quote from the vendor for the RFQ or direct.  The purchase quotation has a quotation no. for reference and the item details with quantities, price, and discount and currency information. The supplier quotation is made directly or based on enquiry or requisition. SME has option to save soft copy of original quote in system received from vendor to keep history. Purchase departments can receive multiple quotations from vendors against one RFQ and save them in SME.

1.6 Purchase Order
The Purchase Orders are raised to the vendors for purchase of materials.  The vendor Purchase Order can be raised based on RFQ, by purchase requisition. Purchase order can be raised even directly without providing RFQ or purchase requisition no if user does not need to track purchases against a particular purchase requisition. The Vendor Purchase Order has billing and shipping details, terms of payment, delivery schedules and tax information.  The purchase order can be cancelled, closed or revised fully or partially. Once Vendor Purchase Order is raised so it will effect only in accounts and it will have no effect on inventory.

1.7 Purchase (Cash)                                        
Cash purchase is also possible in SME. While entering Purchase, user has to mention account name from which payment is made to Vendor. Cash Purchase can be referenced with Purchase Requisition by giving Requisition no.  The Cash Purchase has billing and shipping details, delivery schedules and tax information. Like Vendor Purchase Order Cash Purchase also just effects accounts.

1.8 Item Receipt
Item Receipt (GRN) is prepared for the receipt of materials against Purchase Order or Cash Purchase from the vendor. Items can be received from Vendor against one Purchase Order or Cash Purchase Partially by raising multiple item receipts notes (GRN) against one purchase order or Cash Purchase. While generating this transaction, Store & Store location can be mention if inventory has to be manage store wise but Store and Store Location are optional. GRN will affect inventory and it will have no effect in accounts.

1.9 Vendor Payments
Vendor Payment transaction is entered to pay bills, advance to Vendor and to get refunded money in case of Purchase Return. SME has provision make payments in three most common ways i.e. Cash, Credit Card and Cheque. Payments can be made in any currency and if currency is different from company currency then exchange rate is to be mention.

1.10 Purchase Return
Purchase Return records the material returned to the vendor in case of rejections due to poor quality control or excess supplies. SME makes possible to return items partially against one Purchase Order or Cash Purchase by generating multiple Purchase Returns transactions. Items Return can be referenced with Purchase Order and Cash Purchase using their respective system generated unique numbers.
Just like Purchase Order or Cash Purchase this transactions effect reflects only in accounting books.
1.13 Sales Invoice (Cash/Credit)

1.11 Item Return
Item Return note is prepared return items physically to Vendor due to quality checks and any other reasons. Items can be returned to Vendor against one Purchase Return partially by raising multiple item return notes against one Purchase Return. While generating this transaction, Store & Store location can be mention if inventory has to be manage store wise but Store and Store Location are optional. Items Return Note will affect inventory and it will have no effect in accounts.

1.12 Sales Quotation
The Sales quotation is made to send the quote to the customers for their enquiries. The customer quote can also be raised without enquiry. The Sales quotation has quotation no. and the item details with quantities, rate, discount, currency, billing and delivery information. 
The generation of Sales Invoice is based on the Sales quotation or direct from the customer and the product specification. Through this we can specify the complete order details which include billing address, delivery Instructions, Terms of payments, Taxes & Duties, currency, delivery date and other statutory forms requirements. Sales Invoice can be Cash or Credit. SME has two separate forms to enter Cash and Credit Sales. In Case of Cash Sales user has to mention an account in which receipts from customer have to be debited. SME makes possible to mention Sales Person while raising Sales Invoice if Company has policy to check Sales Men Wise Sales to entitle them commission on sales bases but its also optional parameter to make SME flexible to fulfill maximum domains business rules. The sales invoice can be cancelled or closed partially or completely. Purchase Planning is generated based on the Customer Order and the raw material requirements.  Based on the purchase plan, purchase department plans its purchase schedule.
1.14 Item Delivery Note
Item Delivery note is generated to deliver items to Customer against Sales Invoice. Multiple Items Receipts Notes can be generated against one Sales Invoice to deliver items partially. While generating this transaction, Store & Store location can be mention if inventory is maintained Store wise.

1.15 Customer Receipts
Customer Receipts are drafted in SME where user can receive money from customer in form of Cash, Credit Card or Cheque. In case of Sales Return, money can be paid back to customer using same screen.

1.16 Sales Return
Sold Items can be returned by Customers due to quality control or any other cause and in SME Sales Return transaction can be enter for this transaction. Sales Return is drafted against particular Sales Invoice or directly. If it is drafted directly without Sales Invoice number then it is not possible to track Sales Returns against a specific Sales Invoice other wise SME automatically preserve history that how much sales took place through a Sales invoice and how much was returned against that. Multiple Sales Return transactions can be generated against one Sales Invoice in case of partial return.

1.17 Item Receipt (Sales Return)
Item Receipt (GRN) is generated to receive physical stock from Customer in case of Sales Return. Item Receipt Note is generated against Sales Return and there is provision to generate multiple GRN against one Sales return to receive items partially from customer. Once GRN is drafted then only received items will be added to inventory.