26 Mar 2015



Contact: 971 50 4520649 (Raj)  Mail: raj@sanisoft-it.com

SME is an enterprise suite of business applications with end to end integration among inventory, production, planning, quality control, finance, Asset and human resources management. This Software is conceived and developed based on business domain intelligence in an effort to provide our clients with real time business solution with greater simplicity and user friendliness. 

Business application helps in managing trade and business flow without any hassles, control and maintenance in terms of enquiries, quotations, orders,  receipts, deliveries returns, etc., Costing methods such as LIFO, FIFO, standard costing and weighted average are some of the outstanding features of this software. This software helps to significantly improve and maintain inventory accuracy, by generating a sophisticated cycle count plan and cycle count frequency.

      Finance is a set of applications that address the budgeting needs, accounting and cost management of your enterprise. It has five modules - General Ledger, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Asset Management and Management Accounting. This application offers the ease of use to maintain the financial books of your enterprise. The user has the flexibility to define, reconcile, and close financial periods according to convenience improving visibility and better financial control. A wide spectrum of built in and customized MIS reports keeps you posted. Suspense account back tracking and fool proof check on the advances keeps your payments under control. Multi currency definitions and conversions between the currencies are handled with greater simplicity.

   Human Resources module of SME is a generic business rule based process driven system that adapts to your changing business trends and equips to stay ahead with better HR policies for better employee retention. It offers a complete hire - to - retire solutions for better HR practices. This software provides a sophisticated GUI based executive information system to visualize HR related data and enables you to consolidate employee information even in widely distributed organizations.

The important features of SME are:
·         Multi – currency system.
·         Multi – warehouses / Locations
·         Multi – location inventory data
·         Multi – unit Measurements
·         Multi-level customer based pricing
·         Multi-level vendor based pricing
·         Multi-Role Users
·         Barcode based Items scanning
·         Barcode based Employee attendance
·         Classifications of materials
·         Colour and Size Management
·         Bill of Material
·         LC Based Trading (Purchase & Sale)
·         Versatile stock transfer between different warehouses
·         Automatic, Manual and User-defined Voucher numbering
·         Financial Year Management
·         Customised Financial Account Heads
·         Banks Management
·         PDC Management
·         LC Management
·         Back dating of transactions
·         Customized cheques formats
·         Credit Note & Debit Note
·         Credit Card Payment System With Automatic Bank Charges Calculations & Deductions
·         POS
·         Counters Wise Employee Shift management
·         Counter Wise Employee Sales calculation
·         Vouchers Based Discount calculation
·         Invoice Holding provision
·         Cash & Credit Card based Receipts compilation
·         Assets Purchase & Dispose Off
·         Automated Asset Depreciation calculation & posting according different methods.
·         Asset depreciation Schedule
·         Asset services to calculate maintenance & installation cost
·         Leave Management
·         Annual Leave Management according to different domain rules.
·         Employee Attendance
·         Customized salary allowances and deduction calculations
·         Automated Over Time Calculations
·         Employee Loan & Advance Management
·         Production
·         Product costing
·         Job costing
·         Work-in Process
·         Ensures high level Role based security thro’ the password system with four levels of access.
·         Multi-user network entry.
·         Multiple database support (MS SQL Server, MS Access, Oracle)
·         Automated reminders for Issued & received PDC to calculate expected payments & receipts in specified period.
·         Automated reminders about different documents validity like Employee Visa & Passport.
·         Automated reminders for Items Re Orders.
·         Web user interface to view reports through internet.
·         Over 200+ Pre-defined reports
·         Estimation of Cost and Project accounting
·         Bank Reconciliation
·         Data integration from punched card reader
·         Project Costing with Project wise and Stages wise approach
·         Automated Project Approvals Updates
·         Daily Site Report
·         Material Requests from Sites

·         Functions of Business Application
·         Functions of Finance Application
·         Functions of POS Application
·         Functions of Asset Application
·         Functions of Inventory Application
·         Functions of Human Resource Application
·         Functions of Payroll Application
·         Functions of Production Application
·         Services and Consultancy Application
·         Security
·         Reports
SME Distinctions

Multi Currency
SME makes possible to execute all business transactions in any currency and to view reports as well. Company will have one base currency in which are financial reports are to be compiled and display. This currency has to be configured while creating profile of company in system. If transactions are needed to be execute in other than company base currency then SME has a versatile and comprehensive module to draft currency exchange rates in system and these rates will be available automatically in transaction but even in editable state.  User can enter any Trading, Finance or POS transaction in system using any currency with provision of exchange rate to a company main currency.

Multi Unit Conversion
The system provides the flexibility of conversion of Unit of measurement. Multiple units can be mentioned for an item in system. While defining item in system, user can configured one base unit of item in which mostly that item is measured for inventory and he can also mention n numbers of other units which can be used in business transactions. Now this item can be used in any business transaction in any unit.

Letter Of Credit
LC based trading is important feature of SME. SME do not treat LC just as “Reference No” in trading transaction but it has a comprehensive and professional approach oriented module to execute LC based trading transactions. Like real time scenario,user can open one LKC in system and use that LC to generate purchase order and once this transaction is completed then LC can be closed to have accounts entries in accounting books. All business rules are being followed in system like Purchases up to LC limit etc.

Asset Management
SME also manages assets as they are needed to be according to accounting standards. SME considers an asset more than one “Ledger” and it gives a complete module to user to define all assets as “Live” entities of business and to calculate depreciation in automated fashion. Once user defines one Asset in system then SME can generate one depreciation schedule for that asset and asset state report according to its book value. Asset maintenance is another very important feature of SME which is used to keep history of maintenance costs of an assets in tangible (Equipments & Devices) and non tangible (Labor or services) forms.

Post Dated Cheques (PDC)
SME has complete module to use PDC in business transactions. As PDC can be received from an external entities of business like customers and it can be issued to External entities like Vendors so SME gives both options to user to issue or receive PDC in system. User can issue and receive cheque in system and it will be a live element of business to track its status in future whether is was honored or dishonored. SME can issue or receive two types of cheques i.e. Fresh cheques (First Time) and Cheques against Previous bounced cheques. SME can generate history report of a customer about all cheques received from him/her.

Cheque Printing Engine
User can define cheque format of a bank while defining bank in system. In future when a cheque is issued from a bank account then SME automatically prints that cheque according to  that format. In case of change in cheque format by bank, user can reconfigure cheque printing settings of that bank to print cheques according to new format.

SME acts as Reminding Agent providing reminders about different business objects and business processes. System can remind user in three types of situations i.e.
·         Expiry
·         Liability
·         Recovery
SME can remind user about expiry or validity of a business element like Visa and Labor Card expiry of an employee. It can also give reminder to user about liability like payment of PDC.SME can also remind user for recovery of an asset like Payment Collection against PDC from a customer. SME keeps these reminders flexible by giving choice to user to configure them according to requirements. If users do not want any automatic reminder then he can configure these reminders settings in system to block their automated publishing but still these reminders will be available to user with manual accessibility.

Data import and export
This package is one of the most open-ended packages today. It allows export   of data to other environments and also import of information. Add this package and  build future requirements around this package.

Multi-Site Communications     
It is used by companies with multiple branches or locations, allowing for             systematic updating of databases. Each branch can automatically send and receive data.

Web Interface for Reports
SME has one web interface to view reports using internet. Users can view, export and print reports using that interface from anywhere through internet.

E- Business
E-Business is an Internet based Business-to-Business desktop solution that enables companies to centrally manages all their Order processes using a single platform.  Customer can order through the web and auto confirmation of order is sent to the customer by e-mail.  Customer can view the order status right from the desktop.  The order details and dispatch details are updated on the web.

Integration with external application and devices
SME design and architecture is enough flexible and customizable to be integrated with any type of external application or device/equipment through its API. It can be integrated with any other application to access its database or share some features unite functionality and outputs. SME can also provide access to its database to other applications through its own interface to compile reports or to share data. Hardware level integration is also possible in SME. It can be connected with any device/equipment/plant like production plants to develop real-time system.SME can gather data from devices and equipments for further processing or generating reports.

1. Functions of Business Application

1.1 Item Creation
The various items maintained in the business transactions are classified into different categories.  Further, the items can be categorized into Raw Material, Finished and Service type. Multiple Colors and sizes can be mapped with one item and system can generate purchase, sales & inventory reports on item, Color & size bases separately. To make safe user from operating overheads color and size are optional in SME and these will be available in transactions only if user select those for item. As mentioned above that system supports Multi-Unit transactions so multiple units can be defined for one item. SME has provision to use Item in any transaction in any unit. While defining item in system, purchase and sale account is also mentioned to record accounts affects in finance module of all item’s relevant transactions.

1.2 Customers & Vendors
SME has option to create vendor and customer masters with some mandatory and optional parameters. Vendors and Customers can be categorized in system to have isolated view of general and analysis reports.  These vendors and customers are also mapped with their financial accounts so that all their transactions will have automatic accounts entry in accounting books to maintain their ledgers and to compile Accounts Payable and Receivables reports. SME also makes possible to maintain Customer and Vendor wise Item pricing and these prices are automatically available in all Customers and Vendors relevant transactions but still that price is in editable state. Customer & Vendor wise pricing is a valuable analytical equipment to maintain item wise price log of each Vendor and Customer for price comparisons.

1.3 Purchase Requisition
The items requested by various departments are raised against requisition for purchasing the items.  The requisition is forwarded to the purchase department to raise RFQ or purchase order after approval.  The finished goods requisition is raised by the marketing department and passed to the Planning and production control department.  The raw material requisition is raised from the production department for the purchase of raw materials.                       

1.4 RFQ
RFQ is raised to the Supplier for getting price quotation.  The RFQ is based on the customer Enquiry for trading and requisition for internal purchase.  The RFQ can also be raised directly.  The item information can be retrieved automatically from enquiry or requisition.

1.5 Purchase Quotation
The Purchase quotation is entered while getting the actual quote from the vendor for the RFQ or direct.  The purchase quotation has a quotation no. for reference and the item details with quantities, price, and discount and currency information. The supplier quotation is made directly or based on enquiry or requisition. SME has option to save soft copy of original quote in system received from vendor to keep history. Purchase departments can receive multiple quotations from vendors against one RFQ and save them in SME.

1.6 Purchase Order
The Purchase Orders are raised to the vendors for purchase of materials.  The vendor Purchase Order can be raised based on RFQ, by purchase requisition. Purchase order can be raised even directly without providing RFQ or purchase requisition no if user does not need to track purchases against a particular purchase requisition. The Vendor Purchase Order has billing and shipping details, terms of payment, delivery schedules and tax information.  The purchase order can be cancelled, closed or revised fully or partially. Once Vendor Purchase Order is raised so it will effect only in accounts and it will have no effect on inventory.

1.7 Purchase (Cash)                                        
Cash purchase is also possible in SME. While entering Purchase, user has to mention account name from which payment is made to Vendor. Cash Purchase can be referenced with Purchase Requisition by giving Requisition no.  The Cash Purchase has billing and shipping details, delivery schedules and tax information. Like Vendor Purchase Order Cash Purchase also just effects accounts.

1.8 Item Receipt
Item Receipt (GRN) is prepared for the receipt of materials against Purchase Order or Cash Purchase from the vendor. Items can be received from Vendor against one Purchase Order or Cash Purchase Partially by raising multiple item receipts notes (GRN) against one purchase order or Cash Purchase. While generating this transaction, Store & Store location can be mention if inventory has to be manage store wise but Store and Store Location are optional. GRN will affect inventory and it will have no effect in accounts.

1.9 Vendor Payments
Vendor Payment transaction is entered to pay bills, advance to Vendor and to get refunded money in case of Purchase Return. SME has provision make payments in three most common ways i.e. Cash, Credit Card and Cheque. Payments can be made in any currency and if currency is different from company currency then exchange rate is to be mention.

1.10 Purchase Return
Purchase Return records the material returned to the vendor in case of rejections due to poor quality control or excess supplies. SME makes possible to return items partially against one Purchase Order or Cash Purchase by generating multiple Purchase Returns transactions. Items Return can be referenced with Purchase Order and Cash Purchase using their respective system generated unique numbers.
Just like Purchase Order or Cash Purchase this transactions effect reflects only in accounting books.

1.11 Item Return
Item Return note is prepared return items physically to Vendor due to quality checks and any other reasons. Items can be returned to Vendor against one Purchase Return partially by raising multiple item return notes against one Purchase Return. While generating this transaction, Store & Store location can be mention if inventory has to be manage store wise but Store and Store Location are optional. Items Return Note will affect inventory and it will have no effect in accounts.

1.12 Sales Quotation
The Sales quotation is made to send the quote to the customers for their enquiries. The customer quote can also be raised without enquiry. The Sales quotation has quotation no. and the item details with quantities, rate, discount, currency, billing and delivery information. 
1.13 Sales Invoice (Cash/Credit)
The generation of Sales Invoice is based on the Sales quotation or direct from the customer and the product specification. Through this we can specify the complete order details which include billing address, delivery Instructions, Terms of payments, Taxes & Duties, currency, delivery date and other statutory forms requirements. Sales Invoice can be Cash or Credit. SME has two separate forms to enter Cash and Credit Sales. In Case of Cash Sales user has to mention an account in which receipts from customer have to be debited. SME makes possible to mention Sales Person while raising Sales Invoice if Company has policy to check Sales Men Wise Sales to entitle them commission on sales bases but its also optional parameter to make SME flexible to fulfill maximum domains business rules. The sales invoice can be cancelled or closed partially or completely. Purchase Planning is generated based on the Customer Order and the raw material requirements.  Based on the purchase plan, purchase department plans its purchase schedule.
1.14 Item Delivery Note
Item Delivery note is generated to deliver items to Customer against Sales Invoice. Multiple Items Receipts Notes can be generated against one Sales Invoice to deliver items partially. While generating this transaction, Store & Store location can be mention if inventory is maintained Store wise.

1.15 Customer Receipts
Customer Receipts are drafted in SME where user can receive money from customer in form of Cash, Credit Card or Cheque. In case of Sales Return, money can be paid back to customer using same screen.

1.16 Sales Return
Sold Items can be returned by Customers due to quality control or any other cause and in SME Sales Return transaction can be enter for this transaction. Sales Return is drafted against particular Sales Invoice or directly. If it is drafted directly without Sales Invoice number then it is not possible to track Sales Returns against a specific Sales Invoice other wise SME automatically preserve history that how much sales took place through a Sales invoice and how much was returned against that. Multiple Sales Return transactions can be generated against one Sales Invoice in case of partial return.

1.17 Item Receipt (Sales Return)
Item Receipt (GRN) is generated to receive physical stock from Customer in case of Sales Return. Item Receipt Note is generated against Sales Return and there is provision to generate multiple GRN against one Sales return to receive items partially from customer. Once GRN is drafted then only received items will be added to inventory.

2. Point of Sale (POS)

2.1 Counters
Mostly POS have multiple counters to serve their customers or to keep isolate sale process on Product’s category bases. SME fulfill this business domain requirement by giving provision to create counters in POS. Moreover it also has option to map Credit Card Machine with Counter to check Machine Wise Card Payments and auto deduction of bank charges.

2.2 Discount Vouchers Companies
Discount Vouchers Companies are defined in SME to be used in POS Sales to entitle customers for discount using discount vouchers. User can define companies in SME for which company has policy to give discount to customers using their discount Vouchers.

2.3 Employee Shift Management
Shifts are opened and closed for employees (Cashiers) on counters. Shift Supervisor is responsible entity to manage Cashiers shift which includes Opening Shift and Closing Shift after receiving cash according to sales. SME makes possible to address all these business   requirements. Authorized System User (Supervisor) can start shift for an employee on a particular counter. Available cash in draw can be mention there if exists. Once this shift is stared by supervisor then only cashier can get login to start hi sale and on ending his shift time he has to submit all collections to supervisor who will close that shift.

2.4 Sales Invoice
In POS sales are entered using this screen. Items are entered by barcode scanning or even by entering item barcode manually. Cash and credit both types of sale transactions are supported in SME POS. Payments are made Cash or Credit Card. In case of cash payment customer can pay bill in other than company currency and SME is keeps remember that how much collections made in which currency. Two types of discounts are supported in SME POS i.e. Direct Discount & Voucher Discount. In Direct Discount, amount of discount is mentioned directly in invoice and fn second type Discount Vouchers are added in system along with their calculation method that can be Amount or Percentage. Once these Vouchers are added then total discount amount of all vouchers is automatically deducted from invoice. If Company has policy to calculate sale for each sales person separately then SME has option to mention sales person in sales invoice. User can hold any invoice without saving it and in the meantime he can serve other customers by drafting there invoices. Holded invoices can be edited, deleted and saved later once these are confirmed. SME maintain list of previous invoices on same screen so that these are in user access to reuse them for view or print purpose. Sales Invoice directly affects Inventory and accounts.

2.5 Sales Return
In case of sales return this transaction is entered. Sale Invoice number is entered and item sold in that invoice are available in this screen to be return and sales return value is de deducted automatically from sales person’s sales. In inventory this transaction has inverse effect of sale resulting increase in inventory.

3. Finance

3.1 Ledger creation
This system works with concepts of ledgers and group of ledgers.  A ledger is the actual account head to which you identify a transaction.  Ledger creation process is implemented in SME according to accounting standards. Ledger is created and classified in three levels that is Account Head>> Account Sub Head>> Account Group. Real time example of this hierarchy is ASSETS>> CURRENT ASSETS>> DEBTORS.

3.2 Books of Accounts
Get your Balance Sheet at the last voucher entered. Change the Date, and get it for any prior period with respect to the fiscal year. Get instantly all books of accounts, and a wide variety of business information and reports. Availability of comprehensive accounts instantly is the hallmark of this             system. Balance Sheets, P&L Accounts, Trial Balances, Ledgers, Cash & Bank Books, Sales & Purchase Registers are all available on demand up to the last voucher entered. Almost all reports in this system are configurable by the user. Alternatively, the same trial balance can then be displayed with details of opening balances, debit's, credit's and closing balances - making it easy to get the movement in any account.

3.3 Cash Receipts
Receipts are entered in Cash Receipts transaction. Receipts can be entered in any currency along exchange rate .For cross checking reference number is also provided to reference this transaction with manual document.

3.4 Cash Payments
This transaction is available to make some general type of payments like Petty Cash etc. Multi currency option is also supported. For cross checking reference number is also provided to reference this transaction with manual document.

3.5 Bank Deposit
This transaction is drafted to deposit money to bank. In one transaction, amount from multiple accounts are possible to be deposited in one bank account in any currency with exchange rate provision. Manual reference option is also provided here.

3.6 Bank Payments
Payments by banks are entered here. Like Bank Deposit transaction, SME makes possible to pay amounts from one bank to multiple accounts at same time in one transaction.

3.7 Journal Voucher
JV is important transaction in any financial system to support account adjustments and other financial processes. SME also has Journal Voucher transaction to enter journal entries. Journal Voucher transaction is quite flexible interface to allow user to enter multiple Journal Voucher entries at same time drafting one transaction.

3.8 Debit Note & Credit Note
Debit & Credit Notes are drafted here in two separate transactions respectively. User can draft one note where he will mention debit or credit account in master area and then list of debit or credit accounts in detail area of transaction. There notes can be generated using any currency after providing exchange rate if currency is different from company Currency.

3.9 Inter Bank Transfer
SME has option to transfer funds from one bank to another bank. It needs information about bank from which funds are to be transferred and bank to which funds are being transferred. This transaction can be referenced with manual document by providing reference number.

3.10 Letter of Credit (LC)
LC based trading is possible in SME. LC based trading process in SME is designed and implemented in comprehensive fashion to address all real time LC based trading processes. User can find   about all transactions to draft all real time processes involved in LC based business.
LC can be opened in SME where all information required to open LC in entered. This information includes Buyer Bank, Beneficiary Bank, Currency, LC Amount, Expiry Date, LC Type and LC No etc. Once this LC is opened then SME allows to generate Purchase Order against this LC. SME will not allow to generate Purchase Order more than LC limit but to keep this process flexible SME makes possible to generate multiple Purchase Orders against one LC but still SME keeps check that total worth of these Purchase Orders should not exceed from LC limit. SME has option to extend LC Limit.

3.11 Letter of Credit Closing
LC has to be closed in SME once purchase order is generated. While closing LC, bank charges are mentioned there. SME handles bank charges with dynamic approach with provision to define different types of bank charges in system and these charges are available in system to be used in LC closing process. Once LC is closed then required account entry is not needed to be post in accounts manually because SME will automatically post entry in accounts. Closed LC will not available in system to be used in any transaction.

3.12 Issue Cheque
SME has Cheques Management module which enables user to issue and receive cheques to from business entities. Cheques are issued in SME where required information like Bank, to whom it is issued, issue Date and cheque No etc. Once cheque is issued so SME considers it as PENDING which means NOT CLEARED yet and it will be treated as liability. On maturity date of cheque it can be cleared or bounced so its status can be changed in SME and it will be removed from liability list. If cheque is bounced then its accounts affect will be reversed and also it will be removed from PENDING cheques list. New cheque can be issued in SME against previous check which has to be mention while issuing cheque. SME preserve history of all issued cheques issued in system and user can view them according to there status to find out real status of liability in form of PENDING cheques or amount paid in a particular tenure in form of Cleared cheques.

3.13 Receive Cheque
Received cheques are also entered in SME. Received Cheque relevant information like Bank, from whom it is received, receiving Date and cheque No etc. Once cheque is received SME considers it as PENDING and it will be available in system as EXPECTED PAYMENTS. On maturity date of cheque it can be cleared or bounced so its status can be changed in SME and it will be removed from EXPECTED PAYMENTS list. If cheque is bounced then its accounts affect will be reversed and also it will be removed from PENDING cheques list. New cheque can be received in SME against previous check which has to be mention while receiving cheque. History of all received cheques is maintained by SME.

3.14 Ageing analysis
Track Party Accounts or Loan Accounts, payments, receipts or adjustments against bills, on account and advanced payments and receipts. Accounts receivable and Payable Statements, Party-wise statements of accounts, in-built Reminder Letters, Age-wise analysis of bills are generated. This system gives you the most comprehensive and complete out standings. You are in complete control over all transactions - be it advances received or paid, bills, loans or post dated cheques.            You have the facility of adjusting one cheque against multiple bills and vice-versa. Age-wise analysis (on user defined periods) this system helps you keep tight checks on outstanding by allowing you to setup credit limits and standard credit periods for each customer. If the limit is exceeded, the invoice will not be raised.
3.15 Budgeting
SME produces unlimited budgets and periods, (for example, Original and Revised Budgets). This facility allows you to track malafide changes, while making genuine corrections with unparalleled ease through the Budgeted reports. It gives you the Actual when compared with the Budgeted figure.

3.16 Bank Reconciliation
Reconciling the company's bank account with the banker's statement is a fundamental and regular task of accounting. This system has incorporated this feature in a remarkably simple way.

3.17 Birds Eye View of Accounts
Zoom down from the balance sheet or any report right up to the voucher             level. Tracking down and pin pointing entries were never so simple.

3.18 Multiple year reports        
View information with financial years or any period at any time! If            you want the sales trend over the last three years, get it. You can get a report        from any date to any date, INSTANTLY!

4. Asset Management

4.1 Asset Creation
SME has Asset Management Module to handle all assets relevant processes. In SME Assets are created as masters. While defining asset two types of information is entered i.e. GENERAL and FINANCE. In GENERAL information Name, Type, Condition Depreciation Method, Purchase Value, Book Value, Asset Life and Scrap Value etc is entered. In FINANCE type of information, Asset   Account, Depreciation Account, Accumulated Depreciation Account is needed. These accounts are needed to post Depreciation and Dispose Off entries in accounts. If Purchase transaction of asset is to be posted in accounts then some others parameters are also needed to be entered like Purchase Date, Vendor etc.

4.2 Asset Depreciation
SME implements Asset Depreciation in most professional and flexible way. To Calculate and post depreciation, there is no manual work needed for user. SME provides one user interface where user can automatically calculate depreciation for asset. Calculated Depreciation is available for all assets defined in system. SME calculates depreciation for all assets on bases of their depreciation methods mentioned in asset configuration. User can select assets from this screen for which he wants to post depreciation to accounts. SME gives flexible approach to user for depreciation calculation so that user can calculate and post depreciation to accounts at any time and some of depreciation will be deducted from asset in balance sheet while closing financial year.

4.3 Asset Maintenance and Services
SME has provision to enter maintenance costs of asset in system. Once an asset is defined in system then user can draft entry about cost of maintenance and services acquired for an asset. SME provides one input screen where user can enter detail of all services acquired from a particular vendor for different assets.

5. Inventory

5.1 Store and Store Location
SME manages inventory store and store locations wise but these both are optional. If user does not want to maintain store wise inventory then he does not need to define stores and store locations of in system and same way he can receive and issue stock without selecting store and location. User can manage inventory in SME on two levels of isolation i.e. Store wise and Store Location (within one store) Wise. In case of this implementation user can view stock status of a particular item in a particular store and even in a particular store location in store. SME has option to define Stores and Store Locations as masters in system and these masters will be available in all inventory relevant entries like Item Receipt Note etc automatically.

5.2 Inter Store Transfer
Some time inventories are needed to be shifted from one store to other store and store wise inventory status is changed due to these types of transactions but it does not effect on total inventory of a particular item. SME makes possible this inter store sock transfer by providing one user interface where user can enter detail of this transfer like Date, Remarks ,Source Store and Destination Store and location also. Once this entry is drafted then SME automatically decrease status inventory from source stock and increase status of inventory in destination table.

5.3 Stock Adjustments
Stock adjustment is very important feature of SME. In real time scenarios some time stock is changed due to spoil and expiry etc. Stock Adjustment entry in SME makes possible to adjust existing stock of a particular item on a specific date. Stock adjustment results in decrease or increase in stock so user can enter both types of adjustments in system. Using this entry user can adjust stock of multiple items at same time.

6. Human Resource Application

6.1 Employee
This module deals with personal details of all the employees who are all classified into category, grade and service. All information pertaining to the employees such as qualification, career, contact, photo, etc, is recorded here. SME has provision to save employee contract, Visa, Passport and other documents in system. Visa detail, expiry, passport expiry and labor card detail is also entered here to get reminders from system about visa, labor card and passport expiry.

6.2 Shift
Shifts are defined here as masters to be used to design employee roster. SME has option to create, edit and delete shifts from system. These shifts will be used in system to design employee roster, attendance and overtime calculation. While defining Shift, Name, Start Time, End Time, Grace Late Time and Grace Early leaving time is entered. Break start time and end time for  shift is also entered here .

6.3 Holidays Management
Holidays are also managed in SME to manage employee attendance in professional way. Different types of Holidays are defined in system as masters and these masters are scheduled according to dates in current year. SME attendance management system will automatically exempt employee from attendance for scheduled holidays.

6.4 Roster
User can design roster for group of employees here. SME manages roster in a dynamic way in two steps. First, user defines one roster in system as master where he is needed to enter duration of roster, shift of each day of roster, n this step user can define two types of rosters i.e. Regular Shift Roster or Rotation Shift Roster. Once this roster is defined then in second step, user can start this roster from a particular date and he can assign a batch of employees to this roster fro a particular duration. Once that duration is finished then user is not needed to redefine roster for those employees but he just has to restart that roster according to new schedule. With this approach SME makes users work easy to design employee rosters without recreating them which results Time saving and user friend ness.

6.5 Attendance
This module keeps track of the presence and absence of the employee irrespective of the category, grade and type. An individual is not entitled to take leave beyond his allotments. So when his leave exhausts, every absence is counted as absent and the day's pay is deducted from the salary.  There is also a provision of integrating data from punched card reader or any bio-metric attendance system.

6.6 In/Out
SME keeps history of each employee about his arrival and leaving from office. This feature provides one user interface where employee can swap his ID card and he is considered as present and same way he can swap card while leaving from office. If company has break policy during office timing then employee can swap card while going out for break and coming back also. Using this feature users can get employee performance report about his attendance and punctuality.

6.7 Leave Management
In SME leaves are categorized in two types i.e. General and Annual leave. In general leaves , user can define leave types in SME as masters and these leaves will be available in system to be granted to user. SME manages leaves according to real time procedure. Employee has to apply leave using one application screen and that application is forwarded to authorized authority who can be head of department or HR personnel. Applicant is needed to enter leave start date and end date, leave type and approval authority. That application is forwarded finally to HR department where this application is approved or rejected.
On second step, if that leave is applied to department head then that person will forward this application to HR department if he/she has no objection on that application otherwise he can reject it there itself without forwarding it to HR department.
On third and lasts step Hr personnel will receive that application and after viewing it he can approve or reject it. While approving this application, approval authority has to mention whether this is paid or unpaid leave. In case of unpaid leave those leave days salary will be deducted from employee salary.   Head of department or Hr personnel can view or approve or reject only those applications those are applied to them.

6.8 Annual Leave & Leave Salary
Annual leave is also applied and approved using general leave management module but Annual Leave Salary is managed in SME with three different policies. Company can adapt all or any one  of them i.e. Day Wise, Month Wise, or Split Leave. In Day Wise Policy Company gives (n) number of day salary to employee for annual leave. In Month Wise Policy company calculates employee leave salary by giving some fixed monthly amount to employee for each moth he worked. In these two methods employee is entitled for leave salary but his salary will not be processes during his vacations. In third method employee can go on annual vacations during a year in n number of times but his salary is processed in routine. These three policies are configured while defining company profile in system. Ticket policy is also defined while creating company profile in system whether ticket is given to employee with annual leave or not and if it is given then after how long employee is entitled for ticket..

7. Payroll Application

7.1 Salary Heads
Using this module salary heads are defined as masters. User can define salary head as salary elements of employee salary like Basic Salary, Conveyance Allowance etc. These heads are defined in two different types i.e. Payable and Deductions. Payable heads are salary elements which are paid to employee at end of month in form of salary and deduction type heads are not paid with salary but these are deducted from salary every month and after a specific period these are paid to employee like Provident Fund etc.

7.2 Salary Groups
SME has provision to create salary groups to process salary for a group of employees. Salary groups are defined in system as masters and employees can be mapped with these groups so that salary can be processed for a particular group of employees.

7.3 Salary Card
This module defines the salary of a particular employee. This is main screen where employee of an employee is defined in system. Here detail about salary of employee is entered like calculation method of salary i.e. Fixed, Daily wages or Hourly Based, Overtime is applicable for this employee or not. Over Time Rate, Per Day Rate and Hourly Rate is also entered here. All salary allowances (Salary Heads) are mapped here with employee for whom he is entitled. SME also has option to define allowances for employee and to mention them as Paid By Company directly on employee behalf. Payment Method, Payment Account is also configured here.

7.4 Salary Processing
This module calculates the salary of all the employees every month automatically. Salary processing can also be scheduled to be activated in a particular day for a particular employee or group of employees.    All necessary deductions deducted with respect to the Gross pay which is the sum of the employee's earnings including all allowances. In this step salary is only processed and it does not effect on accounts .User can generate salary slips for all or selected employees for to view and he can employee salary deductions etc.

7.5 Salary Payment
This is second step of salary processing and payment. Once processed salary is finalized by Hr authority then in this stage user can pay that salary to employee and this transaction will have effect in accounting books.

7.6 Over-time
This module calculates the over-time duty of the employees automatically from there In/Out recordings. 
This feature is optional on employee level. While defining employee in system, user has to mention whether over-time is applicable for this person or not. If this is applicable then user has to enter overtime rate fro that employee and SME will calculate overtime automatically using that rate during processing salary.

7.7 Advance
Advance to employees is entered here. Advance amount, Date, payment mode and payment account is mentioned here. Employees advance is deducted automatically from employee salary of coming month.

7.8 Loan
Employee can apply for loan in company. SME deals this loan in two steps. In first stage, employee applies for loan in system where he mentioned details about loan like amount, date and approval authority. Approval authority checks this application and he can approve or reject it. In case of approval he will mention date of approval, payment method and installment amount etc. From this installment amount SME will generate installment schedule of that loan. Company can grant more multiple loans to one employee also. While processing salary, SME calculates all due installments of employee for that particular salary month to deduct from his/her salary but SME keeps these deductions optional.

7.9 Increment/Decrement
Employee increment and decrements are entered here. User will mention here declaration date, applicable date, salary head and amount SME will process this increment or decrement while processing salary automatically.

8. Production

8.1 Product Costing
This module gives option to define manufacturing cost of a product. Here item wise raw material requirements and labor costs of a finished product are entered. Using this costing detail SME will generate Material requirement report.

8.2 Job Costing
Job Costing is based on Product costing. In  this step user will define one job in system which includes detail about all finished products which are going to be manufactured in this job and accordingly SME will generate one report about Raw Material and labor requirements for this job.

8.3 Issue
This module showcases inter-departmental issue of materials, production details of the organization.  The issue of materials is made based on the inventory methods such as LIFO, FIFO or general methods as described.  It updates information for the production department and Stores.

8.4 Issue Return
The system helps in maintaining details of returned goods from the Production units and other departments or branches. Reasons for return like substandard quality or excess supply etc are recorded here.

8.5 Planning
Planning gives liberty to choose the correct planning tool for specific needs. It gives you a solid, feasible plan and schedule you need for stable, high-variety manufacturing processes. In a single planning run, it can plan for your multi-mode (process, discrete, repetitive, etc) shop floor, which may be in a single site or multiple sites.
·         Refine your planning process so that you can execute Material Requirements Planning into a single planning run
·         Select your planning horizon with a combination of daily, weekly, or any other user-defined periods
·         Do re-planning on the entire product line

8.6 Production
Product Control is a fully integrated solution; your organization can interchange your choice of manufacturing modes on demand to meet changing production requirements. Because each module exists within a single enterprise system where all manufacturing processes share total inventory, material, planning, purchasing, and financial databases, you can depend upon the flawless efficiency and accuracy across every mode.
Production Control enables
·         Differentiating work orders by type, priority, and operation status
·         Monitoring order performance by job/cost center, customer, manager, status, or other criteria that you define
·         Creating as many status codes as you need for effective tracking
·         Defining costs to be charged to various cost centers at each stage in the life of a work order
·         Identifying category codes to track requested item options, such as color, size, and/or style
·         Designed to enable the operators to post the status of under –production goods and finished goods
·         Posting of production is done right on the floor
·         Schedule shows on operator screen and provides information about current work orders to run
·         Work order on-line information includes product information to the minute production statistics, postings of finished goods
·         Statistical information on job completion rate is displayed in a graphical form
·         Bar-code labels automatically printed
·         Real time clock for job costing
·         Inventory is increased as finished goods are posted

           8.7 Quality Control

           Quality control module manages quality checking of finished goods from the production department before packing.  It records the quality parameters of finished goods and goods passed for packing.  The rejected goods will be returned to the rejection store for reprocess.  Quality check can be done at any stage of production and goods that do not meet the quality standards are taken back and recycled for further reprocessing or rejected outright.  There is also a provision for sending online alert message to the respective department-in-charge, in case of any deviation from the established standards found during processing.

           8.8 Packing
           Packing module records the finished goods packed batch/job wise.   Each Item is packed once it is Okayed by the QC department. There is a provision for tagging Packing-Sticker to the packages with information like Pack no, quality, weight, quantity, party name etc.  There is also provision for scanning through a bar code scanner.

9. Services and Consultancy

SME Services and Consultancy module covers all features to manage and monitor all enterprise processes and activities involved in services and consultancy industry. SME is equipped with all techniques and features to manage service rendering and as well as consultancy and manpower outsourcing companies business. It enables user to execute all business transactions like sending quotation to customer, revise quotation, generating invoice, assign resources (employees or assets ) to that contract, scheduling recourses, replacing resources and canceling and closing contract on its maturity. SME is designed to fulfill all requirements of organization which is giving services to other companies through its own employees or a company which is giving service through its own assets like machinery and equipment renting for construction business so accordingly SME contains below listed features.

9.1 Quotations

System enables user to send quotation to customer for his desired or enquired service. Here user will enter information about service, quantity, rates, date, customer, payment term and payment mode etc. Quotation revision is also possible in case of any change in quotation resulting from negotiation with customer.

9.2 Invoice

User can generate an invoice against a particular quotation which was approved by customer. SME automatically approves that quotation against which one invoice is generated. Once invoice is generated then SME post its affect to customer ledger.

9.3 Resource Allocation

           Here company will assign its resources to a particular contract and that resource can be an employee in case of service rendering and manpower supplying company or it can be one equipment (asset) in case of machinery renting company. On this stage, user will select here that resource (equipment or employee) which is going to be used for this contract and duration of usage,

9.4 Resource Replacement and Return

           For Service rendering or manpower supplying company, it is possible that an employee is needed to be returned from a contract due performance or any other reason and for equipment renting company, an equipment can be returned in between of contract due to its damage or any other reason so SME makes possible to return or replace resources in a contract.
9.5 Contract Closing and History

           Once one contract is matured and finished so SME has option to close that contract to release all resources being consumed by that contract. After closing a contract, all resources released from that contract will be available for other contract. SME preserves history of a contract about its start, resource allocation and scheduling, resource return and replacement and contract maturity.

9.6 Resource Availability and engagement

           SME has versatile and dynamic reporting agent to provide complete and comprehensive detail about all resources which includes information about resource engagement that where and in which contract a particular resources is being used and how many resources are free and available to be used in other contracts.

10. Security

10.1 Security

The security module defines the high level security to the system.  SME implements Role Based Security (RBS).User can define different roles in systems and he can grant different permissions to that roles and later this role is assigned to user of system. User will get all permissions automatically in system according to permissions of his roles. Multi-Role users are also possible in SME.

10.2 Admin User
These are first type of users of SME. These users are also called Root users and they have full Access in system. Admin user can do any thing in system. Responsibilities of these types of users include User Management, Security and all Company level tasks etc.

10.3 Limited User
These users can perform tasks in system in accordance with their role permissions. SME also has option to inactive one user so he can not access system until unless he doest not get active status from admin user.

10.4 Permissions
SME has different set of permissions for business transactions and reports. For all business transactions, there are four types are permissions in SME i.e. Add, Edit, Delete and View. For Reports SME has View, Export and Print permissions.

11. Reports

Reports are main objectives of any business process automation Due to this importance of reports in Software SME has variety of reports related to each module. SME has reports in three levels according to requirements and responsibilities of domain users.

  • Transactional Reports
  • Consolidated Reports
  • Analysis Reports

Transactional Reports are available for each transaction in system which displays a detail about a particular transaction. Like user can generate one Purchase order in system and he can view report of that PO after saving it in system or he can take print of that Purchase Order. Transactional reports are available in system in two display levels i.e. Single Transaction and Transaction Summary Report. In Single Transaction report user can view and take print of one transaction and in Summary report he can view report about a particular transaction in different date ranges. Like if user want to see that how many Purchase orders are generated in one month then he can view Purchase Order Summary report.

Consolidated Reports are complied from business transactions to give consolidated view about a particular transaction or a particular business object. Like if user wants to see that how much quantity of an item is purchased in a week, month or year so he can view Item Purchase Summary report in system which will display him item wise purchased quantity of all or selected item within a particular tenure. Inventory status reports are also example of consolidated reports.

Analysis Reports are required for business executives for analysis and decision making. Company financial reports like P& L Account, Balance Sheet, Customer Wise Sales Comparison report etc are examples of these reports.