26 Mar 2015


Point of Sales 

Contact: 971 50 4520649 (Raj)  Mail: raj@sanisoft-it.com

2.1 Counters

Mostly POS have multiple counters to serve their customers or to keep isolate sale process on Product’s category bases. SME fulfill this business domain requirement by giving provision to create counters in POS. Moreover it also has option to map Credit Card Machine with Counter to check Machine Wise Card Payments and auto deduction of bank charges.

2.2 Discount Vouchers Companies

Discount Vouchers Companies are defined in SME to be used in POS Sales to entitle customers for discount using discount vouchers. User can define companies in SME for which company has policy to give discount to customers using their discount Vouchers.

2.3 Employee Shift Management

Shifts are opened and closed for employees (Cashiers) on counters. Shift Supervisor is responsible entity to manage Cashiers shift which includes Opening Shift and Closing Shift after receiving cash according to sales. SME makes possible to address all these business   requirements. Authorized System User (Supervisor) can start shift for an employee on a particular counter. Available cash in draw can be mention there if exists. Once this shift is stared by supervisor then only cashier can get login to start hi sale and on ending his shift time he has to submit all collections to supervisor who will close that shift.

2.4 Sales Invoice

In POS sales are entered using this screen. Items are entered by barcode scanning or even by entering item barcode manually. Cash and credit both types of sale transactions are supported in SME POS. Payments are made Cash or Credit Card. In case of cash payment customer can pay bill in other than company currency and SME is keeps remember that how much collections made in which currency. Two types of discounts are supported in SME POS i.e. Direct Discount & Voucher Discount. In Direct Discount, amount of discount is mentioned directly in invoice and fn second type Discount Vouchers are added in system along with their calculation method that can be Amount or Percentage. Once these Vouchers are added then total discount amount of all vouchers is automatically deducted from invoice. If Company has policy to calculate sale for each sales person separately then SME has option to mention sales person in sales invoice. User can hold any invoice without saving it and in the meantime he can serve other customers by drafting there invoices. Holded invoices can be edited, deleted and saved later once these are confirmed. SME maintain list of previous invoices on same screen so that these are in user access to reuse them for view or print purpose. Sales Invoice directly affects Inventory and accounts.

2.5 Sales Return

In case of sales return this transaction is entered. Sale Invoice number is entered and item sold in that invoice are available in this screen to be return and sales return value is de deducted automatically from sales person’s sales. In inventory this transaction has inverse effect of sale resulting increase in inventory.