26 Mar 2015

Accounting Software

Accounting Software 

Contact: 971 50 4520649 (Raj)  Mail: raj@sanisoft-it.com

3.1 Ledger creation

This system works with concepts of ledgers and group of ledgers.  A ledger is the actual account head to which you identify a transaction.  Ledger creation process is implemented in SME according to accounting standards. Ledger is created and classified in three levels that is Account Head>> Account Sub Head>> Account Group. Real time example of this hierarchy is ASSETS>> CURRENT ASSETS>> DEBTORS.

3.2 Books of Accounts

Get your Balance Sheet at the last voucher entered. Change the Date, and get it for any prior period with respect to the fiscal year. Get instantly all books of accounts, and a wide variety of business information and reports. Availability of comprehensive accounts instantly is the hallmark of this             system. Balance Sheets, P&L Accounts, Trial Balances, Ledgers, Cash & Bank Books, Sales & Purchase Registers are all available on demand up to the last voucher entered. Almost all reports in this system are configurable by the user. Alternatively, the same trial balance can then be displayed with details of opening balances, debit's, credit's and closing balances - making it easy to get the movement in any account.

3.3 Cash Receipts

Receipts are entered in Cash Receipts transaction. Receipts can be entered in any currency along exchange rate .For cross checking reference number is also provided to reference this transaction with manual document.

3.4 Cash Payments

This transaction is available to make some general type of payments like Petty Cash etc. Multi currency option is also supported. For cross checking reference number is also provided to reference this transaction with manual document.

3.5 Bank Deposit

This transaction is drafted to deposit money to bank. In one transaction, amount from multiple accounts are possible to be deposited in one bank account in any currency with exchange rate provision. Manual reference option is also provided here.

3.6 Bank Payments

Payments by banks are entered here. Like Bank Deposit transaction, SME makes possible to pay amounts from one bank to multiple accounts at same time in one transaction.

3.7 Journal Voucher

JV is important transaction in any financial system to support account adjustments and other financial processes. SME also has Journal Voucher transaction to enter journal entries. Journal Voucher transaction is quite flexible interface to allow user to enter multiple Journal Voucher entries at same time drafting one transaction.

3.8 Debit Note & Credit Note

Debit & Credit Notes are drafted here in two separate transactions respectively. User can draft one note where he will mention debit or credit account in master area and then list of debit or credit accounts in detail area of transaction. There notes can be generated using any currency after providing exchange rate if currency is different from company Currency.

3.9 Inter Bank Transfer

SME has option to transfer funds from one bank to another bank. It needs information about bank from which funds are to be transferred and bank to which funds are being transferred. This transaction can be referenced with manual document by providing reference number.

3.10 Letter of Credit (LC)

LC based trading is possible in SME. LC based trading process in SME is designed and implemented in comprehensive fashion to address all real time LC based trading processes. User can find   about all transactions to draft all real time processes involved in LC based business.
LC can be opened in SME where all information required to open LC in entered. This information includes Buyer Bank, Beneficiary Bank, Currency, LC Amount, Expiry Date, LC Type and LC No etc. Once this LC is opened then SME allows to generate Purchase Order against this LC. SME will not allow to generate Purchase Order more than LC limit but to keep this process flexible SME makes possible to generate multiple Purchase Orders against one LC but still SME keeps check that total worth of these Purchase Orders should not exceed from LC limit. SME has option to extend LC Limit.

3.11 Letter of Credit Closing

LC has to be closed in SME once purchase order is generated. While closing LC, bank charges are mentioned there. SME handles bank charges with dynamic approach with provision to define different types of bank charges in system and these charges are available in system to be used in LC closing process. Once LC is closed then required account entry is not needed to be post in accounts manually because SME will automatically post entry in accounts. Closed LC will not available in system to be used in any transaction.

3.12 Issue Cheque

SME has Cheques Management module which enables user to issue and receive cheques to from business entities. Cheques are issued in SME where required information like Bank, to whom it is issued, issue Date and cheque No etc. Once cheque is issued so SME considers it as PENDING which means NOT CLEARED yet and it will be treated as liability. On maturity date of cheque it can be cleared or bounced so its status can be changed in SME and it will be removed from liability list. If cheque is bounced then its accounts affect will be reversed and also it will be removed from PENDING cheques list. New cheque can be issued in SME against previous check which has to be mention while issuing cheque. SME preserve history of all issued cheques issued in system and user can view them according to there status to find out real status of liability in form of PENDING cheques or amount paid in a particular tenure in form of Cleared cheques.

3.13 Receive Cheque

Received cheques are also entered in SME. Received Cheque relevant information like Bank, from whom it is received, receiving Date and cheque No etc. Once cheque is received SME considers it as PENDING and it will be available in system as EXPECTED PAYMENTS. On maturity date of cheque it can be cleared or bounced so its status can be changed in SME and it will be removed from EXPECTED PAYMENTS list. If cheque is bounced then its accounts affect will be reversed and also it will be removed from PENDING cheques list. New cheque can be received in SME against previous check which has to be mention while receiving cheque. History of all received cheques is maintained by SME.

3.14 Ageing analysis

Track Party Accounts or Loan Accounts, payments, receipts or adjustments against bills, on account and advanced payments and receipts. Accounts receivable and Payable Statements, Party-wise statements of accounts, in-built Reminder Letters, Age-wise analysis of bills are generated. This system gives you the most comprehensive and complete out standings. You are in complete control over all transactions - be it advances received or paid, bills, loans or post dated cheques.            You have the facility of adjusting one cheque against multiple bills and vice-versa. Age-wise analysis (on user defined periods) this system helps you keep tight checks on outstanding by allowing you to setup credit limits and standard credit periods for each customer. If the limit is exceeded, the invoice will not be raised.

3.15 Budgeting

SME produces unlimited budgets and periods, (for example, Original and Revised Budgets). This facility allows you to track malafide changes, while making genuine corrections with unparalleled ease through the Budgeted reports. It gives you the Actual when compared with the Budgeted figure.

3.16 Bank Reconciliation

Reconciling the company's bank account with the banker's statement is a fundamental and regular task of accounting. This system has incorporated this feature in a remarkably simple way.

3.17 Birds Eye View of Accounts

Zoom down from the balance sheet or any report right up to the voucher level. Tracking down and pin pointing entries were never so simple.

3.18 Multiple year reports        

View information with financial years or any period at any time! If  you want the sales trend over the last three years, get it. You can get a report from any date to any date, INSTANTLY!